December 2014 we flew to Los Angeles and spent a week there, then on to Fiji for another 4 glorious days on an island that was absolutely breathtaking. The Fiji people were so friendly everywhere you went you heard Bula! We did rent a car and circled the island, which was quite the task considering there are NO street signs. Thank goodness for gps on our phone. Suva was a bit to busy a town for me, but then it was only 2 weeks before Christmas. We could not have asked for better weather.
On to Australia, for the remaining 3 weeks- we were able to get north to the Great Barrier Reef, we took the Great Ocean Road trip again- oh how I love the Twelve Apostles- we stopped at a hotel not far from it which worked out great because the first day the wind was just torrential!!! The next day a beauty gust, the sun was out and we could just sit and ponder. We had such a magnificent time on that trip- its time to do another long one in December/January again.
Of course the GBR is something you must do at least once in your life- for me.. I need to do that at least 12 more times..haha
oh how I love the ocean and snorkeling and exploring, so I was thinking maybe Greece, only because it would be warm, and the pictures I have seen look amazing as well.
We shall see where we are come December
Friday, April 20, 2018
Friday, November 6, 2015
Face it!
You are not for everyone....
The world is filled with people who, no matter what you do will point blank not like you. But it is also filled with those who will love you fiercely. They are your people. You are not for everyone and that's OK. Talk to the people who can hear you.
Don't waste your precious time and gifts trying to convince them of your value, they won't ever want what you're selling. Don't convince them to walk alongside you. You'll be wasting both your time and theirs and will inflict unnecessary wounds, which will take precious time to heal. You are not for them and they are not for you, politely wave them on, and continue along your way. Sharing your path with someone is a sacred gift, don't cheapen this gift by rolling yours in the wrong direction.
The world is filled with people who, no matter what you do will point blank not like you. But it is also filled with those who will love you fiercely. They are your people. You are not for everyone and that's OK. Talk to the people who can hear you.
Don't waste your precious time and gifts trying to convince them of your value, they won't ever want what you're selling. Don't convince them to walk alongside you. You'll be wasting both your time and theirs and will inflict unnecessary wounds, which will take precious time to heal. You are not for them and they are not for you, politely wave them on, and continue along your way. Sharing your path with someone is a sacred gift, don't cheapen this gift by rolling yours in the wrong direction.
Saturday, December 28, 2013
Merry Christmas... 2013
yes.. the most wonderful time of year.. when people are at their best.. they are giving, caring, loving..
I like how certain days can actually change peoples attitude. Sadly it doesn't last though. But it does give you hope because obviously those people are capable of being all those good things.. they just choose not to be on the rest of the days.. which makes me just wonder what makes them choose that.. what do they gain from being someone they are truly not.. OR.. is it that the one day.. they are being someone they are truly not and the rest of the days they are being their true self.. ya.. ponder that.
so of course.. with the new year around the corner I am already hearing.. so what's your new years resolution.. ugh. really.. again.. cause do we ever really keep any of those!.. yes.. I did quit smoking last May and surprisingly did not start up again.. and yes I still struggle with that.. its not easy..
some of the things I do want to change but not just for the new year.. I call them life changing..
1. to have the courage to live a life TRUE TO MYSELF, not the life others expect of me
2 to not work so hard.. to enjoy PLAY! to make time to play..
3 to have the courage to express my feelings (when I am having a bad day) and not cover it up with a smile and ya I am fine
4 to continue to stay in touch with my (true) friends.. far and near (true friends not just acquaintances)
5 to allow myself complete happiness with no guilt!
6 to stop looking at my self worth in a business like manner.. no more balance statement analogies!
7 no more excuses!
8 to be content with the path that I am currently set on and to be more willing to change when needed!
okay thats just a start.. I'll keep adding to this!
I like how certain days can actually change peoples attitude. Sadly it doesn't last though. But it does give you hope because obviously those people are capable of being all those good things.. they just choose not to be on the rest of the days.. which makes me just wonder what makes them choose that.. what do they gain from being someone they are truly not.. OR.. is it that the one day.. they are being someone they are truly not and the rest of the days they are being their true self.. ya.. ponder that.
so of course.. with the new year around the corner I am already hearing.. so what's your new years resolution.. ugh. really.. again.. cause do we ever really keep any of those!.. yes.. I did quit smoking last May and surprisingly did not start up again.. and yes I still struggle with that.. its not easy..
some of the things I do want to change but not just for the new year.. I call them life changing..
1. to have the courage to live a life TRUE TO MYSELF, not the life others expect of me
2 to not work so hard.. to enjoy PLAY! to make time to play..
3 to have the courage to express my feelings (when I am having a bad day) and not cover it up with a smile and ya I am fine
4 to continue to stay in touch with my (true) friends.. far and near (true friends not just acquaintances)
5 to allow myself complete happiness with no guilt!
6 to stop looking at my self worth in a business like manner.. no more balance statement analogies!
7 no more excuses!
8 to be content with the path that I am currently set on and to be more willing to change when needed!
okay thats just a start.. I'll keep adding to this!
Thursday, November 28, 2013
lazy or just busy.. either excuse works for me!
I have been lazy about blogging especially my trips whether road or flight! I have been to LA a few times since I last blogged and each time I am keenly aware at how large and overwhelming that part of the world can be. I was just there this last month and did some shopping, amazing how the economy sucks so bad there yet customer relations hasn't gotten any better. Sadly I find its gotten worse, and the housing market.. they say it's getting better but I don't see it. I found a few websites for auctions, yes you too can own a home for under 150K of course its gutted and it would be a complete reno but hey.. the bones are there and of course LOCATION LOCATION LOCATION!
I found myself at the DMV and keep in mind when in a large city everything takes that much longer! Yes what I can do here in my small hometown in about 10 minutes takes me 4 hours and even then I have to come back the next day because they only offer that service til 4:30pm and it's now 4:35pm! YES, after a 4 hour wait the representative had the audacity to say its 5 mins past.. I almost jumped over the counter.. the only redeeming thing was that she did state that when I come back tomorrow I won't have to wait in any lines and can just make my way to the front.. uh huh sure.. (I'll believe it when I see it!)
The more I visit big cities the more I appreciate where I am.. small town girl.. and that's okay with me!
I found myself at the DMV and keep in mind when in a large city everything takes that much longer! Yes what I can do here in my small hometown in about 10 minutes takes me 4 hours and even then I have to come back the next day because they only offer that service til 4:30pm and it's now 4:35pm! YES, after a 4 hour wait the representative had the audacity to say its 5 mins past.. I almost jumped over the counter.. the only redeeming thing was that she did state that when I come back tomorrow I won't have to wait in any lines and can just make my way to the front.. uh huh sure.. (I'll believe it when I see it!)
The more I visit big cities the more I appreciate where I am.. small town girl.. and that's okay with me!
Saturday, July 14, 2012
Another move??

Yes I moved again.. a bigger better house.. has 3 bedrooms, and a fantastic view.. I have to admit though.. I have never moved so much in my life as I have these last 3 yrs.. but then life is about movement.. LOL.. I should not take that so literally though hey.. well the new place is great.. its a much healthier environment..its not that much larger then the other house we were in.. its just all the space is now usable..the old house had a basement that really wasn't used for much other than storage.. here I have a storage room off the garage.. but the 3 bedrooms is so nice to have.. especially now I have room for an office.. and a spare room. Cats have settled in nicely.. as have the humans..
So hopefully this place will hold us for a few years.. be able to save some money to one day maybe buy our own place.. we will see how that goes..
Blessings to you all..
Wednesday, October 19, 2011
Blessings come in all forms
I had to remind myself that blessings come in all forms.. what we perceive as good.. and bad.. even though I may see it as a bad thing.. good things may come from it.. Need to keep hanging on to that Faith.. cuz that's what this is about right.. Faith... Hope.. and Love.. if it's not.. don't burst my bubble!.. Don't think I can handle that right now.. my ego is a bit bruised.. and of course I see it as bad....but I know.. I have done this before.. things that I think are horrible end up being the best things.. because I learned from it.. and it makes you stronger.. maybe I need to look at the direction I am going.. maybe I need to change it.. ? so much in this head of mine.. feeling a bit overwhelmed.. trying to sort it all out.. of course I won't be able to do that all in one night.. and clearly I have not been able to do it in the last 40 so years!! LOL.. really I am laughing out loud!..
I still wonder..
I still dream...
now to make it reality! that's the part I haven't figured out how to do yet..
if you have any pointers.. I am all ears!
I still wonder..
I still dream...
now to make it reality! that's the part I haven't figured out how to do yet..
if you have any pointers.. I am all ears!
Wednesday, August 17, 2011
da da dum.... BOOM!
Move went.. seems I unpack well.. looks like I have been here forever.. yes.. everything put away.. no boxes around.. pictures hung.. all things sorted.. go figure.. I am a little anal about making it feel like home.. guess that's not a bad thing.. I have to admit though.. when I make a move like this.. I see how much stuff one can accumulate.. and to be honest.. its a bit disheartening.. but then what does one do when Christmas rolls around.. I love the decorations I have.. and yes... that's about 6-8 boxes right there.. and again.. because I have moved to a smaller home.. looks like I will be purging that too.. a part of me still thinks I made the wrong move right from the get go.. I should have just bought that 5th wheel.. would have been cheaper..AND it would force me to keep my sentimental stuff to a bare minimum. Well that's what I think anyway.. and then too.. can you imagine moving day.. okay unhook the hoses.. hook up the trailer to the truck.. let's go... yeah.. all of 10 minutes.. that's so tuff.. haha...
So the first few nights here have been uneventful, in the sleep category that is.. meaning.. I think I am going to sleep.. just doesn't feel like it.. and then last night I had horrid nightmares, and actually took down my innocent bed lamp.. go figure.. not that it did anything wrong.. but obviously I was threatened by it.. poor cat.. that's all I am going to say.. scared the bejeezus out of me.. can you imagine what it did to the poor kitty... ya.. enuf on that subject or who knows when spca will be knocking on my door.. ya he has such a rough life.. I wanna be MY cat.. that little fella has a GREAT life.. right now.. I am watching him climb up my roof.. oh don't worry.. he gets down just fine.. but I have to laugh.. I am about ready to get my shoes on.. and hike up there with him.. would love to see the view he gets.. has to be something.. I mean.. he goes up there pretty much everyday.. wonder if I can get down just as easy as him though.. prolly not.. I might fall and break something.. like my ego.. haha..
ah well.. so.. today was cleaning day at the previous location..and yes.. I had a good cry.. that house holds many wonderful memories.. and amazing views.. it gave me the opportunity to heal..even though in my head.. I feel like I still need much of that in my life.. ah.. who knows what tomorrow will bring..
and isn't that a good thing!... we don't know what is in store for us.. we have hope, we have faith.. we have our imagination.. and I have much prayer.. that I will continue to be blessed...
So the first few nights here have been uneventful, in the sleep category that is.. meaning.. I think I am going to sleep.. just doesn't feel like it.. and then last night I had horrid nightmares, and actually took down my innocent bed lamp.. go figure.. not that it did anything wrong.. but obviously I was threatened by it.. poor cat.. that's all I am going to say.. scared the bejeezus out of me.. can you imagine what it did to the poor kitty... ya.. enuf on that subject or who knows when spca will be knocking on my door.. ya he has such a rough life.. I wanna be MY cat.. that little fella has a GREAT life.. right now.. I am watching him climb up my roof.. oh don't worry.. he gets down just fine.. but I have to laugh.. I am about ready to get my shoes on.. and hike up there with him.. would love to see the view he gets.. has to be something.. I mean.. he goes up there pretty much everyday.. wonder if I can get down just as easy as him though.. prolly not.. I might fall and break something.. like my ego.. haha..
ah well.. so.. today was cleaning day at the previous location..and yes.. I had a good cry.. that house holds many wonderful memories.. and amazing views.. it gave me the opportunity to heal..even though in my head.. I feel like I still need much of that in my life.. ah.. who knows what tomorrow will bring..
and isn't that a good thing!... we don't know what is in store for us.. we have hope, we have faith.. we have our imagination.. and I have much prayer.. that I will continue to be blessed...
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