We had some difficulty with our gaming skills and keeping to specific rules, so after much debate we both felt it would be wise to pen the rules down, so Aaron would not be able to randomly change the rules on me..
so here goes:
Punch buggy rules..
rule no 1: There are no rules
rule no 2: Do not follow rule no 1
rule no 3: Punching on the shoulder is only allowed
rule no 4: Must state "punch buggy & colour"
rule no 5: Not stating "no returns" involves the opponent to punch back
rule no 6: Free hits are gained from mistaken colours or cars
rule no 7: Free hits can be used at any time
rule no 8: Aaron is always right (unless he is sitting on the left)
rule no 9: Do not cross out rule no 8 (guess who wrote the rules??)
rule no 10: VW dealerships are void
rule no 11: Play honestly & fairly and within the sportmanship of the game (this was a reminder for Aaron... obviously!! )
rule no 12: Think about rule no 8
rule no 13: There is no rule no 13, its bad luck (yeah for you.. I like the no 13!! was always lucky for me!! )
rule no 14: If your winning, the opponent let you win (this is so Aaron won't feel bad.. we'll keep this rule just so he'll keep playing..)
rule no 15: Pictures of buggies are not allowed
rule no 16: using the same buggy twice.. not allowed..
rule no 17: 5 punch buggies in a row is an ass whopping..(poor Aaron..)
rule no 18: Bridget can change the rules at any time (we initially stated upon Aaron's approval but that was voided the moment he left the continent of north america)
rule no 19: In fairness to Aaron who is on a different continent this was added, you can take a picture of a buggy and email with heading PBNR and thus saving punches to administer at a later time.
rule no 20: you can not use the same picture multiple times either, and they must be actual buggys in motion or on the road.
Let it be known that on this day the 9th day of January 2010, that Bridget did post 5 buggy's in a row stating correctly the color and no returns, and that Aaron did admit that rule number 17 did occur... he put up a great fight.. but alas number 8 was not gonna save him now..