Thursday, November 28, 2013

lazy or just busy.. either excuse works for me!

I have been lazy about blogging especially my trips whether road or flight!  I have been to LA a few times since I last blogged and each time I am keenly aware at how large and overwhelming that part of the world can be. I was just there this last month and did some shopping, amazing how the economy sucks so bad there yet customer relations hasn't gotten any better.  Sadly I find its gotten worse, and the housing market.. they say it's getting better but I don't see it.  I found a few websites for auctions, yes you too can own a home for under 150K of course its gutted and it would be a complete reno but hey.. the bones are there and of course LOCATION LOCATION LOCATION!

I found myself at the DMV and keep in mind when in a large city everything takes that much longer! Yes what I can do here in my small hometown in about 10 minutes takes me 4 hours and even then I have to come back the next day because they only offer that service til 4:30pm and it's now 4:35pm! YES,  after a 4 hour wait the representative had the audacity to say its 5 mins past.. I almost jumped over the counter.. the only redeeming thing was that she did state that when I come back tomorrow I won't have to wait in any lines and can just make my way to the front.. uh huh sure.. (I'll believe it when I see it!)

The more I visit big cities the more I appreciate where I am.. small town girl.. and that's okay with me!