Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Blessings come in all forms

I had to remind myself that blessings come in all forms.. what we perceive as good.. and bad.. even though I may see it as a bad thing.. good things may come from it.. Need to keep hanging on to that Faith.. cuz that's what this is about right.. Faith... Hope.. and Love.. if it's not.. don't burst my bubble!.. Don't think I can handle that right now.. my ego is a bit bruised.. and of course I see it as bad....but I know.. I have done this before.. things that I think are horrible end up being the best things.. because I learned from it.. and it makes you stronger.. maybe I need to look at the direction I am going.. maybe I need to change it.. ? so much in this head of mine.. feeling a bit overwhelmed.. trying to sort it all out.. of course I won't be able to do that all in one night.. and clearly I have not been able to do it in the last 40 so years!! LOL.. really I am laughing out loud!..
I still wonder..

I still dream...

now to make it reality! that's the part I haven't figured out how to do yet..

if you have any pointers.. I am all ears!

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

da da dum.... BOOM!

Move went.. seems I unpack well.. looks like I have been here forever.. yes.. everything put away.. no boxes around.. pictures hung.. all things sorted.. go figure.. I am a little anal about making it feel like home.. guess that's not a bad thing.. I have to admit though.. when I make a move like this.. I see how much stuff one can accumulate.. and to be honest.. its a bit disheartening.. but then what does one do when Christmas rolls around.. I love the decorations I have.. and yes... that's about 6-8 boxes right there.. and again.. because I have moved to a smaller home.. looks like I will be purging that too.. a part of me still thinks I made the wrong move right from the get go.. I should have just bought that 5th wheel.. would have been cheaper..AND it would force me to keep my sentimental stuff to a bare minimum. Well that's what I think anyway.. and then too.. can you imagine moving day.. okay unhook the hoses.. hook up the trailer to the truck.. let's go... yeah.. all of 10 minutes.. that's so tuff.. haha...
So the first few nights here have been uneventful, in the sleep category that is.. meaning.. I think I am going to sleep.. just doesn't feel like it.. and then last night I had horrid nightmares, and actually took down my innocent bed lamp.. go figure.. not that it did anything wrong.. but obviously I was threatened by it.. poor cat.. that's all I am going to say.. scared the bejeezus out of me.. can you imagine what it did to the poor kitty... ya.. enuf on that subject or who knows when spca will be knocking on my door.. ya he has such a rough life.. I wanna be MY cat.. that little fella has a GREAT life.. right now.. I am watching him climb up my roof.. oh don't worry.. he gets down just fine.. but I have to laugh.. I am about ready to get my shoes on.. and hike up there with him.. would love to see the view he gets.. has to be something.. I mean.. he goes up there pretty much everyday.. wonder if I can get down just as easy as him though.. prolly not.. I might fall and break something.. like my ego.. haha..
ah well.. so.. today was cleaning day at the previous location..and yes.. I had a good cry.. that house holds many wonderful memories.. and amazing views.. it gave me the opportunity to heal..even though in my head.. I feel like I still need much of that in my life.. ah.. who knows what tomorrow will bring..
and isn't that a good thing!... we don't know what is in store for us.. we have hope, we have faith.. we have our imagination.. and I have much prayer.. that I will continue to be blessed...






Sunday, August 7, 2011

Feet, Feat, Fail

In a few short weeks I will be moving out of the house I moved into back in May of last year... its been an amazing home.. it truly has been my home.. my place where I found some peace.. and a place that has allowed me to heal...needless to say..I am not ready to leave this sanctuary.. literally.. I am struggling with this choice...sadly I did not make this decision alone.. which I guess makes it that much harder.. I can only hope that it would be a good move.. bringing me into a larger city, might allow me to find a job.. or who knows.. maybe its just a step to be able to save some money so I can move on yet again.. funny thing about me.. here I thought I was all about having "roots".. now in my heart and head.. I am toying with the idea of getting a trailer.. and just buggering off.. so tired of this rat race.. trying to make ends meet.. I figured at this age I would have been a lot further along..but there is always something or someone that gets me off my path..
Questioning.. where do I want to be? what truly makes me happy? is there such a thing.. can one truly be completely and utterly happy.. I use to think that.. I use to think there is always a rainbow.. and I have always danced in the rain.. yes I am using metaphors here.. when the going got bad... I did the best I could do and made the best of it..
I guess I should start looking within.. seems that's where the happiness eludes me.. I talked to a friend today.. and he said.. maybe your healing is over.. and its time to let someone else have your spot.. guess that's what bugs me.. I don't feel healed.. so far from it... tired.. tired of looking around.. trying to figure it out...
as an old saying of mine.. "feet don't fail me now!"

Sunday, July 10, 2011

which wolf?

One evening an old Cherokee Indian told his grandson about a battle that goes on inside people.

He said, ‘My son, the battle is between two ‘wolves’ inside us all.
One is Evil. It is anger, envy, jealousy, sorrow, regret, greed, arrogance, self-pity, guilt, resentment, inferiority, lies, false pride, superiority, and ego.
The other is good. It is joy, peace, love, hope, serenity, humility, kindness, benevolence, empathy, generosity, truth, compassion and faith.’

The grandson thought about it for a minute and then asked his grandfather: ‘Which wolf wins?’

The old Cherokee simply replied, ‘The one you feed.

Friday, July 1, 2011

Apples Go Splat!!: Peachland Beach Run

Apples Go Splat!!: Peachland Beach Run: "Bridget and my first ever Race Number for our first ever Running Race. 664 belongs to Bridget and 520 belongs to me. The Results from my r..."

17th May 2011

Found this ticket in my Wallet from the Sydney Aquarium.

Monday, June 27, 2011


Once again, i had some time to try and get some Humming bird photos. Today they were in particularly comfortable mood and kept coming back for more.

Friday, June 24, 2011

Saturday, June 18, 2011

Tod Mountain Ranch

What a great place this is.. had to laugh my sister decided to go for the weekend to this horse ranch, and of course when she asked me this was over 2 months ago I was feeling great... So when I looked up this "dare to live the cowboy dream" I was all in.. couldn't wait..
So I got back from Australia.. sitting on a plane for 15 hours which I might add was brutal, on the back.. been seeing my chiro since.. and wow.. thank goodness for that. So here I sit.. well attempting at least, in this amazing lodge.. overlooking the sun peaks mountains.. gorgeous area. Saw a bald eagle yesterday, literally perched on top of a pine tree. Yes pics will be added later seeing how I am posting this while still on location. Sadly the back seized up last nite and I opted out of the 2 hour ride, the wrangler Steve said he would take me out this afternoon for a short ride, just to see if I can handle it with the back.. and if I can.. we may stay out a bit longer.. sweet guy!

The morning ride just left.. got some great pics of the horses.. we did take a walk on those same trails they are on right now, ran into a few deer.. literally..
think they spooked us more then we did to them.. haha

Dinner was amazing, Silas runs a tight kitchen, the man can cook, and cleans like theirs no tommorow!!! All the people here are sooo helpful and kind... everything is available.. beer, wine, pop, you name it...they got it..
Breakfast was poached eggs and bacon with of course coffee. The furniture here is all log .. I am in heaven.. of course I joked with Tracy... and how the room will be empty..taking the bed, lamps and anything NOT nailed down.. she giggled.. but somehow I think I may be searched before we leave.. LOL

pics to come!

Wednesday, June 1, 2011


I love the fact that the BC hockey team has made it to the Stanley Cup playoffs.. I have to admit I am tired of hearing my American friends tell me how they have our cup.. its about time it comes home.. Needless to say those same friends really don't want to hear how most of the guys on those teams are CANADIANS.. hey just saying!

so tonight game 1 of the playoffs.. and exciting game.. makes me wanna go get a jersey.. I love being a FANATIC.. and yes.. I do it well.. my nails have the glorious blue/green colours.. and heck if I could find someone to put on the logo.. I would.. was even thinking about colouring the hair blue!.. but then some would call that CRAZY.. not like I haven't had weird coloured hair before.. (pink and purple) yeah.. and punk was SOOOO not in then... okay I will quit my ranting for now.. and like I said in previous posts.. I have some catching up to do with pics of my last vacation..

Stay tuned... LOL