Saturday, December 28, 2013

Merry Christmas... 2013

yes.. the most wonderful time of year.. when people are at their best.. they are giving, caring, loving..
I like how certain days can actually change peoples attitude.  Sadly it doesn't last though. But it does give you hope because obviously those people are capable of being all those good things.. they just choose not to be on the rest of the days.. which makes me just wonder what makes them choose that.. what do they gain from being someone they are truly not.. OR.. is it that the one day.. they are being someone they are truly not and the rest of the days they are being their true self.. ya.. ponder that.

so of course.. with the new year around the corner I am already hearing.. so what's your new years resolution.. ugh. really.. again.. cause do we ever really keep any of those!.. yes.. I did quit smoking last May and surprisingly did not start up again.. and yes I still struggle with that.. its not easy..
some of the things I do want to change but not just for the new year.. I call them life changing..

1. to have the courage to live a life TRUE TO MYSELF, not the life others expect of me
2 to not work so hard.. to enjoy PLAY! to make time to play..
3 to have the courage to express my feelings (when I am having a bad day) and not cover it up with a smile and ya I am fine
4 to continue to stay in touch with my (true) friends.. far and near (true friends not just acquaintances)
5 to allow myself complete happiness with no guilt!
6 to stop looking at my self worth in a business like manner.. no more balance statement analogies!
7 no more excuses!
8 to be content with the path that I am currently set on and to be more willing to change when needed!

okay thats just a start.. I'll keep adding to this!

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